Make your own DIY Field Notebook at home - Step-by-step guide

Carrying a field notebook can be incredibly useful for most people as it allows for the immediate capture of thoughts, ideas, and observations. Whether you're jotting down creative inspiration, making quick sketches, or recording important information on the go, a field notebook provides a convenient and tangible way to document and organize your thoughts. This can enhance productivity, foster creativity, and ensure that important details are not forgotten.

Crafting a Handmade Notebook: Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a handmade notebook can be a delightful and rewarding experience. In this post, I'll walk you through the process, from selecting materials to the final touches. Let’s dive into the details!

My first ever notebook build

While looking for the best field notes notebook for me, it dawned on me that making my own was a real option.

So I powered on the camera and got crafting!

Had a blast making my very first DIY field notes notepad and leather cover (sheath).

Materials and Tools

Here is a quick list of the basic tools that I used to make my own DIY field notes notebook.

I’ve also added in what you’ll need to make a quick leather cover or sheath.

  • Cardstock: Thin cardstock for the notebook cover.

  • Cover Material: Used to cover the cardstock and give it a unique look, in my case I used an old map.

  • Vegetable Tanned Leather: For the final outer cover.

  • Glue: Water-based leathercraft glue.

  • Printer’s Block: To flatten glued paper. Any other flat surface will work.

  • A4 or Letter-sized Paper: 80g weight recycled paper for the notebook pages.

  • Tools: Bone folder, edge beveler and stitching irons for the leatherwork, beeswax, thread, a straight steel ruler and basic cutting tools.

Step-by-Step Process

1. Preparing the Cover

  • Start with a piece of cardstock. Choose a subtle color that complements your choice of material for the cover.

  • Cut the cardstock to the desired size for your notebook cover.

2. Adding the Cover Layer

  • I selected an old map to cover the cardstock. If you want to replicate this, note that maps with a slightly plastified paper work best for durability.

  • Cut the cover layer to fit the cardstock, allowing for some overlap.

  • Apply a thin layer of water-based glue to the cardstock and carefully place the map on top.

  • Press down the glued cover, ensuring it dries flat and smooth. I used a heavy and perfectly flat printer’s bloc for this

3. Preparing the Notebook Pages

  • Fold the sheets of A4 paper once and cut the paper along the fold.

  • Fold the paper sheets in half, creating a neat stack.

  • Mark the center and other stitch-holes on the folded edge, ensuring even spacing for your stitching holes.

  • Use a small punch tool to create holes along the marked points.

4. Binding the Pages

  • Choose a color thread that complements your cover. Wax the thread for easier stitching.

  • Start from the outside of the stack and use a pamphlet stitch to bind the pages. Ensure the thread is tight and knots are secure on the outside.

5. Trimming and Final Touches

  • Trim any excess leather or paper for clean edges.

  • Round the corners to ensure they don’t catch and bend during use.

Optional - Crafting the Leather Cover

  • Measure and cut a piece of leather slightly larger than twice the size of the notebook (since it will be folded to make a sleeve).

  • Bevel the edges and burnish them with Tokonol for a smooth finish.

  • Apply a thin layer of cement glue to the leather and fold it over the notebook, ensuring a snug fit.

  • Mark and punch stitching holes along the edges, and use a saddle stitch to secure the leather cover.

Final Thoughts

Creating a handmade notebook allows for a lot of creativity and personalization. Although there may be a few challenges, the end result is a unique, functional piece that reflects your personal style. Happy crafting!